We provide expertise in ASIC/SoC design & implementation based on
strategic partnership worldwide
Parts Inc. provides SoC, custom ASIC solution, and chip implementation services in order to iron out new challenges of emerging market of intelligent CEs, AI, 5G infrastructures, Internet of things and next generation automobiles. Our members have lots of field experiences in ASIC/SoC design and implementation across multiple wafer foundry, various CMOS technologies ranging from 0.18um to 7nm and specialty technologies worldwide.
One great vision of our company is “helping society and semiconductor industry with good people and right technology & services (Good Parts)” and we believe that our portfolio will be dramatically expanded in the near future. Our goal is accelerating the collaboration each other based upon value-added solution and services.
Our team is passion-equipped. Feel free to contact with us.
Solution & Services

Strategy, Specification
Market and break-even analysis
Application requirements analysis
Technical feasibility
IP and solution sourcing
PPA analysis
Design flow set-up
Technical documentation
Specification hand-off

SoC Implementation
Logic Design Rule Check (LDRC)
SDC clean-up, Logic Synthesis
Design for Testability (DFT)
Formal verification(Equivalence check)
Static Timing Analysis(STA) & sign-off
Floor planning, Auto Place & Route
Power, Signal Integrity (PI, SI) sign-off
Physical Verification(PV), DFM, DFY

IC Prototyping, Ramp up
IC prototyping based on MPW services
Package assembly and DOE
Reliability and Failure analysis (FA)
Single run prototyping with full mask
ATPG generation and test set-up
Test margin analysis
Volume ramp-up
Yield management & enhancement

Join Us
We're Hiring!!
Every person has owned characteristics & talents. We love person itself, and want to grow up with forward-looking discussions each other.
We are eager to invite industry veterans, IC design engineers, physical implementation engineers and company staffs. Please feel free to contact us. We will manage your personal information, especially privacy-sensitive securely.
Minimum requirement:
Bachelors degree in Electronic Engineering or Computer Engineering for engineer
1. Application to hr@parts-inc.co.kr at any time
2. Interview guideline will be sent within 3 days
3. Check our working environment & business outlook during office interview
Contact Us
Give your idea or message
Welcome your visit. Give your feedback, inquiry and any message to us
Contact Us
Parts Inc. Office #219, 37, Poeun-daero 59beon-gil, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
16864 경기도 용인시 수지구 포은대로59번길 37, 시그니처광교지식산업센터 219호 파츠(주)
Tel: +82-31-8067-7780
Fax: +82-31-8067-7783